Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beautiful Heroes!

I have been musing about what "beauty" is...is it someone under age 30..is it eye color and skin smoothness?  Is beauty a lack of wrinkled eyes, wrinkled neck or greying hair?  Is beauty a matter of energy.."youthful" energy..running 8 minute miles and hiking extreme peaks in record times?

No, to me beauty is what shines from within. 

J.R. Martinez is so handsome..so beautiful..he radiates joy for life...gratitude for life...and this is coming from a man who came so close to losing his life in defense of his country.  J.R. is my hero!

J.R. Martinez is one handsome man!

And there is Carla Nash, the woman who was mutilated by her friend's Chimpanzee.  She received a new face....with more courage than I can ever imagine.  She is so grateful to be able to eat solid food and smell again.  She is blind and still does not have feeling throughout her face, but she doesn't care..she is so grateful to be alive.  She also said that people tell her she is beautiful now, she said no one ever called her beautiful before the attack.  She is amazing...I am in awe of her.  You are truly an incredibly beautiful woman Carla! You are one of my heroes!

Carla's lovely new face reflects her inner beauty!
To me J.R. and Carla are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!  They are so inspiring!

The people the media portray as the "beautiful" ones cannot hold a candle to J.R. and Carla.  The Kardashians, the Hilton's, the filthy spoiled rich are not beautiful...they are more like the freak shows in the circus..botox enhanced.....retouched with plastic surgery....even an x-ray to "prove" a big butt is "real", not "enhanced".  People want to gawk at them and see how different their frivolous lives are from the real world.  They may be people of "interest", but they are not heroes.

We need more heroes and far less "freakishness"!  Beauty is not skin deep...it truly comes from within!

1 comment:

Elle said...

Right On! You said it all, and very nicely, too.

I could not agree more.