Friday, January 14, 2011

Love Lives Forever

I am looking forward to this year and the challenges that lie ahead.  I know that I have gained a lot of strength from my experiences over the past few years.  But I am sad that I will have to face 2011 without my son Tommy and husband Tom. 

I love my son Tommy; he was an amazing young man in spite of me; in spite of his dad.  He was loving, caring, forgiving and loyal.  He was the best son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend anyone could ever have.

My husband Tom..well, over the years, he was a rolling stone..where ever he put his hat was his home (sounds like a song doesn't it?).  We married and divorced at a very young age. At the time, I wanted him to be something he wasn't and he didn't know how to deal with my demands.  It took the loss of our son to bring us together; ultimately Tom became my best friend, my partner, my love.  He was really the only man I ever really loved; I loved him from the moment I saw him in that dance club on Southside Easton back in 1972.

The morning Tom died was the 35th anniversary of our first marriage.  I held his hand and told him how that day back on June 9, 1973 was the happiest day of my life.  I knew he heard me because in spite of his railed breathing he responded by a slight movement of his head.  Just before he died he opened his eyes and tried to speak...I told him it I would be okay...I told him I loved him and he took his last breath.

I think that we was trying to tell me that he loved me, that he loved his brothers and sisters and that he loved his mother.  I also think he wanted me to make sure that I remembered him to Stephen, Alison and little Alex (whom he called "Leroy"; Alex was his grandson, his pride and joy).

              Tom and Alex ("Leroy"), I took the picture on my cell phone without regard to the messy background!  My two Yankee fans!

Love has no boundaries; it lives forever.  Love binds us, heals us, sustains us.  In the end it is those that we love that matter.  Without love there is nothing. 

I believe we should tell those we love how much they mean to us every day, because we never know when it will be the last chance we have! 

And do the things that mean the most to you, maybe it is running or something else, but whatever it is, be true to yourself because life will be over before you know it.  Life really is a great adventure!


Teamarcia said...

Beautifully written, Noel. I agree, love is the most precious thing. Life is fragile and fleeting sometimes.

Grammie Brown said...

I think life is much more precious when you experience loss...I do not want to waste one second of the life I have been given!