Sunday, January 30, 2011

Unexpected Change of Plans

Well, I have been dealing with a lot of hip pain the past few days.  It seems I have been training "too hard, too fast for my age"; and I thought age was just a number!  My piriformis muscles are again giving me grief.  I have been advised by my doctor to take more time to train for an running the NYC Half Marathon this March is not possible.  The folks on Fred's Team have been so great..I can either switch to the NYC Marathon scheduled for next November or the NYC Half Marathon scheduled for March 2012.  I haven't decided, but the NYC Marathon is beckoning!

I keep telling myself that I should not feel as though I have failed, but that I have made a decision that will keep me healthy, and running!  I read Blogs where the author is insisting on running through their pain only to endure further injury.  I do not want to end up like them.

I love to run; it is one of the things that keeps me sane.  I am grateful for every moment I can head out my door and go as fast as I can down the street!  I do not want to take this for granted, and I certainly do not want to make decisions that may hinder my ability to continue to run without pain. 

We have choices in life, we can continue to make bad decisions or we can alter our plans and embark on a new path.  I think I need to take a new, positive and "slower", path!

Oh,to be 30-something years old again! But then, the 50's are not all that bad!  After all, life is what we make of it; we are the "authors" of our lives!


Teamarcia said...

What a bummer but you are wise to back off and 'heal up to run another day'. How exciting if you ran NYC marathon and by some miracle my name came up in the lottery. Never say never.

Grammie Brown said...

I would love it if we both ran the NYC Marathon..although you would probably run twice as fast as me! But it would be fun!