Thursday, February 2, 2012

The march of time...or is time running?
                                        Van Morrison's "Come Running"

I love to run ever since I joined a runners club in college back in the 1970's.  I was young then, with a life time ahead of me.  I only thought of what was to be; I had no regrets.

I have many regrets now and I pray every day that I could go back and make amends.  But in the real world this isn't always possible.  I guess the best we can do is to face those moments, ask for forgiveness and make changes in our lives.

Now that I am approaching the dreaded "old age" I am having panic attacks.  I had no problem facing age 40 or 50, but the next decade is feeling worse than my panic at age 30 (God, I look back now and realize I was so young at age 30!).

Back in December 1982 I went through a horrendous crisis...imagine a "Flower Child" turning 30?  I was part of the "don't trust anyone over 30" generation..30 was a very bad number!

Now it is 2012...another horrendous crisis is nearing.  Where did the time go?  How did I get so old?

Wait a minute..who said 60 is old?  Isn't 60 the new something...40...42..or something?  

I don't feel any different than I did 30 yeas ago...but I do think I am a little more mature..a bit better able to handle what life throws my way. 

I actually like being able to look at a situation and "poo-pooing" it away.  My priorities are straight; this was not the case 30 years ago.

Life has so many lessons; I am grateful that I finally learned to reap their benefit.  It took me a long time to realize that I didn't have all the answers.  Now I look forward to any challenges that lie ahead because I know there is so much more to experience.  Maybe I will have a more wrinkled appearance, but inside I am still Noel.  I am the composite of the baby, toddler, child, preteen, teenager, young adult, adult, mature adult and soon to be senior citizen. 

I have been blessed in so many ways.  I have had a wonderful family, terrific friends, a great career and good health.  I really am so very lucky! 


Elle said...

Yes, youth really IS wasted on the young!

Grammie Brown said...

I couldn't agree more Elle!