Saturday, September 25, 2010


Up until today my longest run has been 4 miles.  But I am following a new schedule towards running a marathon, so today I increased my longest run to 6 miles.  This morning I set out to run those 6 miles on the Colombian Trail from High Bridge.  I had a goal of running a slow 12 to 13 minute mile average for the 6 miles.  The first mile I was slow, 15 minutes.  The second mile I was faster, 12 minutes.  I was not winded and could easily carry on a conversation.  Around the 1 1/2 mile mark I ran into a couple and their big dog.  I was hesitant to past them slowly, so I sprinted past them.  They laughed, but I ignored them. 

Soon after I passed by a woman running with water bottles attached to a belt around her waist.  I marveled at her; she must be running a great distance, and at such a pace!  Immediately after the woman passed me, the man from the couple, started running and ran past me.  He was coughing, hacking and breathing hard as he passed me.  I wondered if he was okay, but he ran on.  A mile later the woman with the water bottles around her passed me again, she held her thumbs up in the air and said "great job!" to me.  I smiled and thanked her.

I marveled at the beauty of the trail, especially when I got to the railroad bridge at the Ken Lockwood Gorge.  How many happy memories I have from years ago of camping, swimming..just having fun!

After crossing the bridge I soon reached the 3 mile mark on the trail, I turned around and headed back to High Bridge.  The scenery was breath taking, I was in heaven.  But then about 1 mile later I heard the huffing and puffing, coughing and hacking of the guy from the couple.  He passed me again, and I wondered if he enjoyed running.  He slowed down soon after passing me when he met up again with his partner who was walking with their big dog.  I finished the run right behind them. He kept looking back at me as though I was actually competition.  I laughed to myself, he was not my competition, I am my own competition.  I just want to be the best I can be.

I had such fun, and I was happy that I was able to run 6 miles!  Yeah!!!

I love to run.  God has given us certain abilities and I don't want to neglect the gifts that I have been given.  I so appreciate the fact that I can run.  Life is fragile, tomorrow I could lose this gift.  I never want to take it for granted.

Today was a great day!


Ginny M said...

That sounds like a beautiful place to run! And you're so right about only being in competition with yourself :)

Allen said...

It's great that you enjoy running for the sake of running!