Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I am so happy to be running again on my favorite trails!  The weather has been warm and the sun shines brightly in the sky longer each day; I love it!  I don't have to start my half-marathon training yet, so I am running when I want and as far as I want. 

Monday I got a call from the nurse at my mom's nursing home.  My mother was diagnosed with Aspiration Pneumonia.  I spoke to the doctor and we decided to treat her with IV antibiotics in the nursing home.  My mom gets so confused and anxious when she is hospitalized, plus she was infected with MRSA during one of her hospitalizations.  I went to see her Monday night, she did not want to eat her pureed dinner, but she did drink her juice, tea and milk.  During the night I received a call from the nursing home, mom had taken a turn for the worse and needed to go to the emergency room.  My mother was admitted to the hospital in the ICU unit.  She needed a PICC line inserted in a vein in her chest so that the antibiotic, insulin and blood pressure medication could have a better chance of doing their job.  Tonight she is more alert...but still very confused due to being in the late stages of Dementia.  Her blood pressure is stable and her heart rate is good.  She is still in the ICU because they continue to monitor her pneumonia and sepsis; blood tests will determine if she will be moved to a regular hospital bed tomorrow.  I am optimistic...I believe she will make it through this and that I will continue to have my mother in my life.

I think that no matter what life hands you, you can handle it if you look for the positives versus the negatives.  There are so many things that happen that are beyond our control.  Looking for the postivies gives a foundation to heal.  I feel I have been in a continual state of healing over the past few years.  The loss of a beloved son and husband.  Watching my mother suffer from strokes and Dementia.  My joyful return to running was hindered by a hip injury and infections. 

But I have incredible memories of my son and husband; they were my two Toms!  I was blessed to able take care of my mother in her home for two years, and I am grateful that when it was time, she was able to go to a wonderful nursing home. 

I have come so far in my running over the past year.  I am 58 years old and I am proud of my progress!  I will run the half marathon..and a marathon...and I will do it in a careful, healthy way. 

Life is full of so much beauty!

I am looking forward to the good things life has to offer while appreciating all the wonderful people and experiences I have encountered in this incredible gift of life!


Lori said...

You have such a fabulous outlook! I understand what you're going thru with your Mother....been there, done that with both my Mother & my Mother-in-law. Remember all the wonderful times and know you are doing the best you can for her! Take Care!

Grammie Brown said...

Life gives us far more blessings than heartaches!