Monday, October 4, 2010


Sometimes there is a rainbow after a storm.  We have the ability to make our own
 rainbows after a "storm" in our life!

I have decided to let go of negative, draining, hurtful people that have been hanging around in my life!

No more calls or emails from people who are constantly reminding me of everything they think I have done "wrong" in my life. To you I say: "Get over it and grow up!....Goodbye!"

No longer will I allow myself to be bullied by someone who does not want me to be happy. You know, the one who kicks you when you are down and tries to destroy your happiness with their jealous, vindictive behavior. To them I say :" Keep your nastiness to yourself! .....Sayonara! "

Then there is the one who always complains and criticizes, but never does anything to help the situation. To you I say : "Step up or shut up! .....Ciao!"

Oh, to the one who told me to get rid of the things that matter the most to me to save money, because they don't want to lift a finger to help! To you I say: "I don't need you in my life! .....Viszla't!"

Fortunately the number of people I know that fall into the above categories are <3. I wish them well, but they need to go!

Achieving my initial running goal of running 30 minutes straight has opened my eyes to many possibilities in life, and those possibilities are abundant. Running has also given me more respect for the gifts God has given me, gifts I never want to take for granted.

Tom was a wonderful husband, he was my partner, my love, my best friend.  I had great parents and awesome grandparents . I have wonderful children and an adorable grandson. I love my family!

My oldest son was a joy, I miss him every minute of every day. I never talk about it, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't shed tears and beg God to give him back to me. Every day my heart breaks a little more. But I also give thanks that he was in my life, if only for a while.

I have the most wonderful, faithful friends!

I've adopted some of the most precious animals over the years, who have been a great source of joy and love.

I work with some of the most caring, committed people I have ever met, people who are able to do amazing things for others with very few resources. When there is someone in need you wouldn't believe how well everyone works together to meet that need; as one co-worker says: "It's a beautiful thing!".

The path to happiness is not paved with hostile, hurtful, mean spirited, vindictive, negative "stones". The path to happiness is paved with caring, loving, compassionate, healing, soothing, nurturing, positive "stones".

My goals, my seeds , are now planted in rich, fertile soil where they can thrive; the rocks and weeds are gone! We have within ourselves the power to choose our path.  I am moving forward, the future is bright because I have chosen the path to happiness! 

We can make our own rainbows!


Marie Thaler said...

Noel, I love you. You are a beautiful, insightful and inspiring friend.

Grammie Brown said...

Thanks Marie! That means a lot coming from you. I will always be grateful for your enormous support after Tommy died; I honestly do not know what I would have done without you! You are the best!