Friday, October 22, 2010


I took this week off from work so that I could concentrate on my running, get my car finally registered in NJ, catch up with the little "to do" list I have for repairs in my mom's house and catch up on fall cleaning.  Well, the week didn't start out very well.  Monday NJ Motor vehicles was closed..Tuesday they were opened, but I couldn't get my old PA license plate off my car.  So I decided to drive up the street to an STS station and see if they could help me.  As I drove out of my driveway I saw a car to my left parked at the side of the road.  I exited my driveway in time for the parked car to abruptly speed towards me, aiming right for me.  I do not know how I survived not being hit. 

I am trying so hard to take care of my mom's affairs; with no help.  It is so very hard.  Today Kelly, my Real Estate Agent wrote in an email to me: "I’m sorry for the situation you are in. I handle many estates and know it can be extremely difficult for the person handling everything for the parent while the siblings sit back and offer no help and only offer their opinion on what should be done. It’s a hard position to be in not to mention stressful for the person handling everything."  I felt better knowing that I am not alone; others are in the same place.  But it is a very hard position to be in. 

Even among rocks, life can thrive!

Tom and I are married for the first time!  One of the happiest days in my life!

I did go to the Califon STS Station later and I again had faith in human kindness; they not only got my old license plate off my car but they put the new one on with new screws...and they wouldn't take any money for it.  Thank you, you wonderful Califon STS guys!

I love walking in nature because it gives me clarity, an affirmation of what is truly important in life.  I love the birds, the animals...and "my bear" who I am determined to get a picture of!  I feel balanced, in harmony, when I run, walk or hike.  I feel at home.

I miss my Tom; he was a wonderful husband to me.  We married young, divorced and remarried.  There has never been anyone but him from the moment I saw him.  He was gentle, sweet, kind, loving and so very funny.  Plus he had the most beautiful golden eyes and perfectly sculptured hands.  He had the voice of reason; I trusted his advice.  Whenever anyone says negative about his life I say, "you never really knew him".  Tom was the best, maybe not the most ambitious, but he was the best in all other areas.  I love him, I miss him. 

I did run my 3 miles Monday, 3 miles Tuesday and 4 miles Thursday.  Tomorrow I will run 6 miles, and I will be looking for "my bear"!  I have been taking my camera with me when I run; I want to get a picture! 

I am so thankful that I have a passion; my passion for running!  It doesn't matter how fast; I don't care if I ever win a race.  I just love the joy, the freedom,  the abandonment of  running in harmony with nature!

1 comment:

Teamarcia said...

Gorgeous pics! I love that you found running. I find it to be very healing. Hugs!