Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I, like millions around the world, have been overwhelmed by the 9.0 magnitude earthquake, devastating tsunami and nuclear crisis that has rocked Japan.  I am at a loss....I cannot imagine.....I hope I never have to experience......and I pray that no more lives are lost.

I feel that the hardships I face are so minute compared to the monster challenges the people in Japan now face. 

I was feeling sad because I have been having so much pain in my left calf and decided to take a few days off from running.  How trivial that seems now; I ran 2.5 miles today pain free.  I have a roof over my head, a job, food in the refrigerator and running water.  I am so fortunate!

I live in a Democracy...I can vote...I am free.  I am one fortunate Grammie!

My mom is in the late stages of Dementia; she knows I am someone she is supposed to know, but she has not called me by my name in many weeks.  She is on pureed food, is unable to take care of any of her basic needs.  She speaks in sentences most of the time, but the "conversation" is confused and not oriented to time and place.  I love her so much and I know that this time we have together is "the long..or short... goodbye".  But at least I have the chance be with her and tell her how much I love her.  I cherish every minute.

My mom as a little girl. 

My mother graduates from high school, she is so beautiful!

 My mom now...she is not oriented to time and place.

Those in Japan suffered such losses, without any "goodbyes"; I am very fortunate.

I am going to wake up every day and give thanks for being alive and for all the wonderful blessings I have been given.

If you want to contribute towards the relief efforts in Japan: https://american.redcross.org/site/Donation2?idb=0&5052.donation=form1&df_id=5052

1 comment:

Teamarcia said...

Yes the natural disasters lately really put things into perspective don't they?
Hugs to you and your mom!