Sunday, April 3, 2011


I have been thinking a lot about passion today.  Passion is the ultimate motivator for us to achieve our dreams. 

I have a passion to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves; those who cannot speak for themselves.  I feel that I have been blessed hundreds of times over having chosen the field of Social Work.  I have spent the past 30 years of my life working with individuals who have been diagnosed with a "developmental disability".  The families and individuals I have worked with have inspired and humbled me more times than I can count.  I try never to take for granted the "gifts" I have been granted.  These "gifts" include being able to talk, walk, dress myself, feed myself, toilet myself, drive a car, run, ride a bicycle and have general good health. 

I also have a passion for running; running for the sake of feeling free.....moving without boundaries of time and space.  I guess that is why I do not care so much about competitive running.  I just want to run on my favorite trails without limitations.

The first time I was exposed to "freedom" was during the summer of 1967 when my family was in Berkeley, California; I have written of this before.  I saw such passion, such freedom in so many during that summer.  I was just a young girl, but the likes of Jimi Hendrix opened my eyes to so much.  He was so handsome, so one with the guitar, and his voice was mesmerizing.  I was completely hooked!  I wanted that passion...I wanted that connection..and I was fortunate to have such a passion in my life.  I am not famous or wealthy, but I am gratified that I had a chance to do what I felt compelled to do with my life. 

I will leave you with Jimi performing Purple Haze in Berkeley, California 1967:

Jimi is full of passion!

Never give your passion!


Teamarcia said...

Life is full of so many gifts. Running is one of my favorite times to think of and appreciate all the abundance in my life.

Grammie Brown said...

I agree..running is a time to reflect and appreciate life's blessings!