Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It is really hot outside! Thank goodness running is cool!

I don't mean to complain after the cold, snowy, long, horribly isolating, running limited, dog confining and horrible winter we just had....but it is really hot outside!  I would rather have the heat than the bitter cold and snow, but I am struggling to get my runs in with this weather.

I still am suffering from this upper front-tooth permanent bridge I am having installed by Dr. Bork.  Monday I went for my final impressions and this involved several impressions and cutting of my gums.  Before Dr. finished, the anesthesia was wearing  off...oh, such pain!  I went home and tried to rest after taking Advil.   Later I pushed myself to run..thinking maybe not the 8 mile, but a 2 mile run.  I drove to Vorhees and started mouth was hurting but I kept running.  One mile, two miles....three teeth stopped hurting and the joy of running kicked in.  I may have been slow, but I was in my element and felt strong.  Maybe it was the increased circulation, but the pain stopped.  Five miles later I stopped; dripping wet from sweat and feeling good!

Yesterday I went to work but felt discomfort from my teeth most of the morning.  In the afternoon the pain got so bad I had to borrow Motrin from my Boss Wendy...she suggested I go home and rest.  I went home and rested, but decided to go out on the trail later to attempt my scheduled 3 mile run.  Back to Vorhees I mile...two miles...three glorious miles!  I felt fabulous..whether it was my circulation or what...running was my path from pain!

Running is the coolest thing!  Running is fun, running is good for you and running can take away tooth pain!   No wonder I love to run!

Today I felt major pain.  I went to Vorhees after work and completed the 14 exercise stations on the one mile Par Course.  I felt really strong, but "buggy".  How come the bugs do not realise I have bug repellent on?   I I am repelled, by the smell of the spray, but the bugs at Vorhees are apparently attracted by the smell..go figure?


Unknown said...

Way to get out there and run. I couldn't do it in the heat you guys are having. The heat and humidity suck the life out of me.

Grammie Brown said...

Well, the heat has sucked the life out of me for the past couple days. Yesterday, instead of running 4.5 miles I only lasted 2.5miles. Tonight I rode my trek bike 4 miles on the columbia Trail....when I finished I felt like I rode 25 miles! It is an oven outside!

Teamarcia said...

Tooth pain stinks! Glad you're starting to feel better and I love that you got out there and ran AND it made you feel so much better! This heat has been a challenge to say the least!