Sunday, April 25, 2010


I have completed my First Strides work-outs for the week and feel like I am really accomplishing a lot! I run uphill at least half of the time and this is giving me more strength.

The "problems" return when I return to my daily routine as a Case Management Supervisor within a huge bureaucracy. I have been a "social worker" for almost 30 years, a "mommy" for over 35 years. Long ago I also thought of myself as a "runner", a good runner too. But life presented itself with challenges that prevented me from consistently pursuing my running. Now, time has changed and I am slowly getting back to where I need to be. I made a decision and put in for early retirement; I just need to find a new path, new "career" so to speak within the next year, to take the place of working for a bureaucracy.

Today I found a picture that my father took of me standing next to a 4 year old Tommy following one of my runs. I look so young, so thin, so very happy. I want that back with the "young" replaced with "young at heart". I look in the mirror and see a woman well over the age of 25, but in my heart I feel younger than 25. As a result, I do feel I have a bright future!

I have met so many people in my career that have been given such obstacles; obstacles that I have never had to face. Yes, I have faced the loss of my precious Tommy and Tom, but I have my health. I am able to see, to walk, to talk and I have the use of my arms. I am so blessed and I am not going to waste what God has given me!

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