Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Birthday to me, I am in the prime of my life!

Today is Christmas, but it is also my birthday.  My cousin Roberta, Aunt Sophie, cousin Amy, cousin Cheryl, daughter Alison, friends Sue, Betty, Linda and Kenny remembered as of the time I am writing this post.  Actually, it is amazing that anyone remembered since I have spent the last few years of my life trying to forget my birthday. 

But for some reason I am so proud of the fact that I lived 58 years, and counting.  My Aunt Alma will be 95 this year and she is still counting!  Aunt Alma has such a great attitude, she keeps active and reads the newspaper every day, she is so engaged in life. 

My mom is 90, but she is in a place where time and place is non-existent.  Dementia steals your life away from you.

As long as I know who and where I am, I am going to live my life to the fullest. My grandson alex and I celebrated my birthday with a big brownie and ice cream!


This year I will continue to work towards my running goals; finish the New York City Half Marathon and the River Towns Marathon in May 2011.

I am excited for my 58th year.  I am no longer afraid to admit how old I am; I am proud to be a "young" 58 year old woman.  Why, I am in the prime of my life! 


Teamarcia said...

So glad you had a wonderful birthday! Here's to 58 more fabulous, fun-filled years!

Grammie Brown said...

Thank you Marcia!

Darlene said...

Just found your blog - I will be 58 in May and have been running for 3 years (mostly 5ks).