Saturday, December 4, 2010

True Heroes

I saw today that Sarah Palin and Kate Gosselin went camping together along with their families.  This historic event will be broadcast this week on "Sarah Palin's Alaska".  I guess we are suppose to think of them as great American pioneers; two runners (remember Kate attributes her new "bikini body" to running) creating history.  I prefer to think of them as two self absorbed women who put their own need to be famous above the health, safety and well-being of their own families!  Here is a link to the promo of the sad event:

I do think think there are runners that are true American heroes, such as Zoe Koplowitz, author of The Winning spirit.  Zoe, who has suffered from Multiple Sclerosis for 37 years, has faithfully participated in the New York City Marathon for the past 22 years. This year she went the course on crutches, finishing the marathon in 35 hours. How grueling this was for her!  She demonstrated such sacrifice, such determination! The Guardian Angels accompanied her as she competed and spectators waited hours for her to pass so they could give her their love and support:

Zoe, you are an inspiration! In my opinion, you are the winner of the race. I take for granted the abilities, the gifts, I have been given. You make me realize how precious those gifts are, and I am humbled.

Running has given me such clarity.  It certainly gave Zoe clarity and a sense of purpose; a tremendous inspiration to many Americans!  Thank you Zoe!!

Congratulations Zoe!  You are a true American Hero!

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