Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Biking Versus Running

I love to run, but I love to mountain bike more.  I just cannot seem to keep to a marathon or half-marathon training schedule because they interfere with the time I have available to exercise (plus my hip has been causing me pain lately when I run).  I want to spend as much time as I can riding my mountain bike on the Columbia and Vorhees State Park trails.  I love the freedom, speed and joy of riding; there is nothing like it.  I loved riding my bike as a child and that has not changed...I love it maybe more now because it propels me back to a time that I had the freedom to experience joy without responsibilities..responsibilities like a job, mortgage, children, grandchildren, health and unexpected emergency expenses!  I feel such abandonment when I ride my bike and I love every second!

It is not that I don't love running, because I do!  I want to eventually run a 1/2 marathon and a marathon, but maybe now is not the time. 

I am concentrating on healing my hip (piriformis syndrome) and looking forward to future 1/2 marathons/marathons when I am injury free.  Meanwhile, I have my first bike race on August 28th on the Columbia Trail!

1 comment:

Teamarcia said...

Sorry to hear about your hip. I too am struggling with mine. Biking is wonderful! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!