Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Want to Run!

I went to work last Friday not feeling great, but we had some emergencies and potential emergencies that I needed to attend to.  I immediately was bombarded with phone calls...some where I was put on "conference" call.  I tried to coordinate my efforts to address the issues as I felt more and more achy, feverish and at times unable to catch my breath.  By 11:00am I know it was time to call my doctor for an appointment or wind up being a "911" patient later in the day.

 I was able to see my doctor at 12:30 and even though I had taken a Motrin just over an hour before my appointment I still had a fever. I was prescribed an antibiotic and given a list of over the counter medications to take for my sinus and ear infections. I went home and got in bed. I only got out of bed to feed the animals. 

Later, I called my daughter and told her I didn't know if I could take Alex this weekend.  Alex and I had such fun plans...I had 24 hours to get better.  Well, Saturday I was worse..Alex called me to ask if "it was all gone".  I told him I was still sick...and I was also so sad because I missed him so much.

My precious grandson Alex!

Saturday afternoon I made a quick run to the grocery store (I was out of dog food, milk and bread).  The rest of the time I stayed in bed feeling achy and freezing, even though I took Motrin at regular intervals and about 5 blankets covered me. 

I think my fever broke on Sunday, but the aches and pains didn't subside until Monday.  Monday evening I attempted to take a short walk, but I was not strong enough.

Tuesday I developed a dry cough (after taking Mucinex) and found I had no voice.  Wednesday I returned to the doctors and when he asked how I was feeling I broke into tears.  He prescribed another round of antibiotics (the first round went for 5 days) to be started Thursday or Friday and an inhaler to assist with my breathing.  I left with a doctor's note excusing me from work until next Monday.

I am pleased to say that although it is hoarse, I now have a voice.  I went for a short 1 mile walk this afternoon and felt okay...just a little winded.

My son called me Wednesday and didn't recognise my "voice".  He told me to get back to bed and rest.  Today my daughter said she never remembered me being so sick.  They both forget the times when as children they were sick at the same time...and I also got sick.  At those times the days seemed endless..... sickness...temperatures...soreness...yuckiness!!!  The memories of those times came flooding back to me this week!

I am so grateful that I am getting better.  I hope to be running and biking again by next week.  This week's Daily Mile report will be "0" miles, but that is only this week.  Thankfully there are more weeks to come!

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